A Resolution adopting the FY2023 - FY2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) in accordance with the City of Lee's Summit Charter.
· The FY2023-2027 CIP includes projects and annual programs with estimated total costs of $424,647,000 over the five-year period.
· The City's 5-year CIP is updated each year with the first year of expenditures adopted as part of the next fiscal year budget.
· The City Charter requires City Council to adopt the CIP by resolution.
· An electronic version of the FY2023-2027 CIP is attached for reference.
· A paper copy of the FY2023-2027 CIP is also available in the City Clerk's Office for viewing.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for adoption of a Resolution adopting the FY2023-2027 capital improvements plan (CIP) in accordance with the City of Lee’s Summit Charter.
The City's 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) serves as a planning document that incorporates both project and financial planning for infrastructure improvements throughout the city. The plan is organized into eight categories.
The first category plans large-scale, capital maintenance programs need to maintain infrastructure systems and facilities based on infrastructure conditions. The programs include Public Works, Water Utilities and the Building Equipment Replacement Program (BERP) Programs. The remaining seven categories plan construction work to add or replace infrastructure. The categories include Airport; Bridges, Streets & Signals; Facilities; Parks & Recreations; Stormwater; Sanitary Sewer; and Water.
The plan is updated each year to remove completed projects, add new projects, and revise cost estimates and schedules of ongoing projects as appropriate. It is financially constrained to match anticipated expenditures with anticipated revenues. The first year of the 5-year plan is adopted as part of the annual budget process. The City also includes the CIP as part of the Comprehensive Plan (Ignite!), for which t...
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