An Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 718 for the Sidewalk Gap Program FY22 to Sands Construction, LLC in the amount of $1,764,026.40, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 1/9/23)
An Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 718 for the Sidewalk Gap Program FY22 to Sands Construction, LLC in the amount of $1,764,026.40, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
Key Issues:
• The Sidewalk Gap Program FY23 (hereinafter "Project No. 718") will install approximately 95,300 square feet of new sidewalk where sidewalk gaps currently exist, install or replace about 100 sidewalk ramps for sidewalk accessibility and to comply with the current applicable Americans with Disability Act (A.D.A.) standards, and remove and replace an estimated 36,300 square feet of driveways to comply with A.D.A. standards where impacted by the connected pedestrian route.
• Sites were determined based on the sidewalk gap prioritization guidance given by City Council for the Sidewalk Gap Program.
• Public Works Engineering issued an advertisement for bids for the construction of Project No. 718 on December 6, 2022, guided by local policies and state statutes.
• Sands Construction, LLC (hereinafter "Contractor") was determined to be the lowest and best bidder by City staff.
• The City desires to enter into an agreement with the Contractor to construct Project No. 718.
Proposed City Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading an Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 718 for the Sidewalk Gap Program FY22 to Sands Construction, LLC in the amount of $1,764,026.40, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 718 for the Sidewalk Gap Program FY22 to Sands Construction, LLC in the amount of $1,764,026.40, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
This program intends to incrementally address gaps in the sidewalk network in support of the Ignite! Strategic Plan, Ignite! Comprehensive Plan, Livable Streets Policy and current sidewalk standards for improved non-motorized transportation, safety, accessibility and quality of life. Sidewalk gaps resulted throughout the community from a variety of reasons related to new development work. Recent changes to development construction standards now require sidewalks and curb ramps be installed along all streets to minimize the propagation of more sidewalk gaps in the future. Historically, sidewalk construction was not required or tied to building construction. Some reasons for sidewalk gaps include previous standards that did not require sidewalks, waivers to development standards at developer’s request, unmitigated topographic challenges, common tracts between subdivision boundaries, or individual parcels that historically remained undeveloped within a long-developed subdivision.
Sidewalks, especially the closure of sidewalk gaps, are an increasing public demand. The Sidewalk Gap Program is principally funded by the ½-cent 2017 CIP Sales Tax Renewal approved by voters. Guidance was given by City Council to prioritize sites with an emphasis on Use/Demand and Safety. Building upon a prior Sidewalk Inventory and Gap Study, the prioritization of sidewalk locations relies upon a multi-tiered and multi-factored system of influential criteria focused on Use/Demand (e.g. pedestrian activity) and Safety (e.g. schoolchild presence, risk exposures like traffic speed and volume, etc.). Sites were selected based on this priority guidance; which is referenced in the associated packets linked to this presentation. These sites were visually evaluated by an engineer to assess the level of difficulty for construction as another benefit/cost measure for prioritization of limited funds. This phase of the program will primarily target projects that are easy to complete, require limited engineering, meet the aforementioned priority guidance and provide the most public benefit. There will still be a lot of priority sidewalk gaps remaining after this initial phase and following the expenditure of all identified program funds. There is an inventory of sidewalk gaps exceeding $20 Million throughout the City.
This project is expected to close remnant gaps and will help to increase non-motorized mobility and safety within neighborhoods throughout the City.
Other Information/Unique Characteristics:
Erin Ralovo, Senior Staff Engineer
Staff recommends approval.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation:
The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0, to recommend to City Council approval of an Ordinance awarding the bid for Project No. 718 for the Sidewalk Gap Program FY22 to Sands Construction, LLC in the amount of $1,764,026.40, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 1/9/23)