File #: BILL NO. 24-022    Name:
Type: Ordinance - Committee Status: Passed
File created: 1/19/2024 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 2/13/2024 Final action: 2/13/2024
Title: An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9704, Ordinance No. 9705, Ordinance No. 9706, Ordinance No. 9707, and Ordinance No. 9708, by amending the authorized expenditures for the City. (F&BC 2/5/24)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A: Pay & Class Plan, 3. Exhibit B: Authorized Expenditures, 4. Exhibit C: FTE Sheets
Related files: BILL NO. 22-06, BILL NO. 22-05, BILL NO. 23-116, BILL NO. 23-117, BILL NO. 23-118, BILL NO. 23-119, BILL NO. 23-120


An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9704, Ordinance No. 9705, Ordinance No. 9706, Ordinance No. 9707, and Ordinance No. 9708, by amending the authorized expenditures for the City. (F&BC 2/5/24)




An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9704, Ordinance No. 9705, Ordinance No. 9706, Ordinance No. 9707, and Ordinance No. 9708, by amending the authorized expenditures for the City.


Key Issues:

- The Mayor and City Council approved labor agreements with the represented employees in the Police and Fire departments, January 11, 2022 with Ordinance No. 9321 and Ordinance No. 9322

- Per the approved agreements and with the passage of the Public Safety Sales Tax (“PSST”) on April 5, 2022, each year the pay plans for the represented groups are updated as identified in the labor agreements, and the Pay and Classification plan is updated to reflect the changes

-The Administration department has identified the need for a position, Performance Management Analyst, to analyze City processes and services and their performance, identify areas to gain efficiencies and/or savings, the position has been added to the Pay and Classification plan

-One (1) FTE is needed for the Performance Management Analyst position in Administration, the ITS department FTE count will be reduced by one (1) and the FTE will be transferred to the Administration department

-The Fire department has identified a retirement in their command staff early in FY25, and wish to promote the replacement in FY24 so the new staff member can learn the duties and role of the position before the current staff member retires, this would be the addition of 0.25 FTE to the Fire department in the PSST fund for FY24 and FY25.  The retiring staff member will become the 0.25 FTE in FY25, the 0.25 FTE will be removed after the retirement from the Fire department FTE count, savings in current year salary and benefits will be used to cover the FY24 expenses

-The approved FY24 Budget includes an expansion request to implement ProQA software for the Fire Dispatch unit, the money, $155,000, for the project needs to be transferred from the PSST to the ITS fund and an increase in the authorized expenditures in the ITS budget for the implementation and management of the project

-City departments reviewed their expenditures for the first half of the fiscal year and updated their anticipated budgetary needs for the remained or the fiscal year.  Based on the updates the Legal Services, Airport, Parks, and Gamber Center need additional spending authority to complete the FY24 budget year

-The Airport is seeing an increase in fuel sales and the collection of hanger rental fees, the revenue budget is being updated


Committee Recommendation

I move to recommend for approval to City Council An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 9 to the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9704, Ordinance No. 9705, Ordinance No. 9706, Ordinance No. 9707, and Ordinance No. 9708, by amending the authorized expenditures for the City.



Rick Gentry, Budget Manager



Staff recommends approval


Committee Recommendation

A motion was made by Councilmember Hodges, seconded by Councilmember Lopez, that this Ordinance be recommended for approval to the City Council.  Motion passed unanimously.