File #: 2020-3520    Name:
Type: Public Hearing - Sworn Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/17/2020 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 7/14/2020 Final action:
Title: Public Hearing: Substantial Amendment to the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan (AAP) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
Attachments: 1. Presentation, 2. Applications & Scoring, 3. CDBG-CV Funding Request Summary and Staff Recommendation.pdf, 4. Draft of Amended 2020-21 Action Plan
Related files: BILL NO. 20-83, BILL NO. 20-145, BILL NO. 20-121


Public Hearing: Substantial Amendment to the 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan (AAP) for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program





In 1994, Lee’s Summit was designated as an Entitlement Community under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This designation gives the City the authority to administer the grant funds within our City. As an Entitlement Community, the City is required to adopt an Annual Action Plan for each program year that summarizes local actions being taken to address specific needs within the community. The City’s most recent Action Plan for program year 2020-21 was adopted by ordinance in May 2020.

Due to COVID-19, the City will receive a special allocation of $219,061 in CDBG-CV funding from the CARES Act to provide relief to low-to-moderate-income individuals affected by the pandemic. These activities must be associated with the preparation, response and/or prevention of COVID-19, and must be within the city limits of Lee’s Summit or provide services to Lee’s Summit residents.  With this special allocation, the City is proposing a substantial amendment to the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan.

This amendment includes the following changes:

                     Eliminate the 15 percent cap on the amount of grant funds that can be used for public services activities

                     Reimbursement of COVID-19 Related Costs- Provides that grantees may use CDBG-CV grant funds to cover or reimburse costs to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus incurred, when those costs comply with CDBG requirements

The proposed amendment has been prepared through a public process, which included a press release, an application cycle open to local not-for-profits and other eligible entities, staff evaluation and prioritization of applications received, and staff funding allocation recommendations.

Following the Public Hearing there will be a 5-day public review and comment period.


Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation: I move that the CEDC recommends that the City Council approve the amendment to the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan.




Staff recommends that CEDC approve a recommendation of the attached amendment to the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan by full City Council ordinance.




Sarah Tilbury, CDBG Administrator

Amy Koeneman, Administration Manager