Remanded PUBLIC HEARING - Appl. #PL2017-144 - PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Kessler Ridge at New Longview, 2nd Plat, Lots 56-87, Tracts E-G; Inspired Homes, LLC, applicant
A preliminary development plan application was filed with the City on June 30, 2017, proposing the second phase of Kessler Ridge at New Longview single-family residential subdivision. The application was considered by and subsequently recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on September 12, 2017. The application was remanded back to the Planning Commission by the City Council on October 5, 2017, at the applicant’s request in order to redesign a portion of the project in response to staff comments.
The portion of the plan encompassing Lots 78-87 has been redesigned in order to accommodate the standard right-of-way street width of 50 feet for SW Merriam Court, rather than 30 feet as previously shown on the preliminary development plan. Other changes to Lots 78-87 include, but are not limited to, increased minimum setbacks for rear and front yards, house orientation (facing SW Merriam Ct), decreased square footage for common area, and the addition of sidewalk along SW Merriam Ct.
The applicant proposes the second phase of Kessler Ridge at New Longview, a single-family residential development composed of 32 lots and 3 common area tracts on 11.55 acres zoned PMIX (Planned Mixed Use). A preliminary development plan was previously approved for the Kessler Ridge at New Longview development; however the approved plan did not include a portion of property located within the southwest corner of this site. This proposed plan includes the additional acreage and provides for 10 additional lots.
The north and east portions of the site are comprised of 22 lots and are a continuation of the lot sizes and standards established within Kessler Ridge at New Longview, 1st Plat. The southwest corner of the site offers approximately 10 lots that have significa...
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