An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 3 to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2020-21 Annual Action Plan. (CEDC 8/11/2021)
In August of 1994, the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri (“City”) was designated as an Entitlement Community eligible to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As an Entitlement Community, the City is required to adopt an Annual Action Plan for each program year that summarizes local actions being taken to address specific needs within the community. In May 2020, City Council adopted the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan; due to receiving two rounds of emergency COVID-19 funding, this plan was amended and adopted in July 2020 and January 2021.
As part of this adopted plan, the City has awarded $140,000 to Lee's Summit Housing Authority (LSHA) for exterior rehabilitation to units at the Duncan Estates complex. At the time of application, LSHA proposed to replace exterior windows, doors, porch columns, gutters, downspouts and soffits to all 66 units in the complex. Due to the increase in cost and availability of materials, LSHA is requesting to downsize the scope of work to 8 units, and to extend their contract date with the City through March 31, 2022. The request to complete 8 units will include all exterior improvements, including hardi-board siding. This would allow 8 units to be completely renovated on the exterior. With this request, the scope of work and beneficiary count would change by more than 50% which requires a substantial amendment to the 2020-21 Annual Action Plan. There will be no financial impact with this amendment request.
The CEDC held a public hearing on August 11, 2021 as part of the public participation process. During the CEDC hearing, Lee's Summit Housing Authority presented their amendment request. The CEDC had no changes to the proposed amendment, and approved a recommendation for the City Council to adopt by ordinance ...
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