2017 CIP Sales Tax Prioritization of Projects and Programs
2017 CIP Sales Tax Prioritization of Projects and Programs
Key Issues:
• Voters approved a 15-year extension of the ½-cent Capital Improvement, or CIP, Sales Tax in April 2017
• The sales tax can be used to fund infrastructure projects for roads, stormwater systems, curb, sidewalks, parking and streetlights.
• City Council provided an overall philosophy to guide prioritizing projects
Proposed Committee Motion:
N/A; Presentation and discussion
The November 9, 2017 City Council Work Session included a discussion to develop overall guidance and principles regarding how projects in the recently approved CIP Sales Tax should be prioritized and sequenced. The key goals and guidance addressed funding, evaluation criteria, and the role of public input.
Council indicated that it favored cash flow funding of projects instead of debt financing. Council agreed with the criteria proposed by City Staff and wanted to see City Staff use a prioritization model previously presented at Public Works Committee. Council also indicated that the main goal of public involvement should be taking steps to ensure the appropriate stakeholders are notified and aware of the work being done. The following presentation will summarize the discussion and then transition into a more focused and detailed discussion of prioritizing programs and projects, a philosophy of mixing stormwater work and road work to show progress, and public involvement strategies.
[Enter text here]
Start: November 2017
Finish: January 2018
Other Information/Unique Characteristics:
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Presenter: Michael Park, City Traffic Engineer
Recommendation: [Enter Recommendation Here]
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: [Enter Committee Recommendation text Here]