File #: 2021-3989    Name:
Type: Public Hearing - Sworn Status: Presented
File created: 2/19/2021 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 3/23/2021 Final action: 3/23/2021
Title: Public Hearing: Application #PL2020-365 - Special Use Permit for truck rental - U-Haul, 809 SE Douglas St; Josh Prejean, applicant.
Sponsors: Planning and Special Projects
Attachments: 1. PC Minutes, 2. Staff Memo, 3. Staff Report, 4. Site Plan, 5. Applicant Narrative, 6. Photos of Site and Surrounding Area, 7. Location Map, 8. Staff Presentation
Related files: BILL NO. 21-57


Public Hearing: Application #PL2020-365 - Special Use Permit for truck rental - U-Haul, 809 SE Douglas St; Josh Prejean, applicant.




This application is to request approval for a special use permit (SUP) to allow U-Haul truck rentals on the subject property.  Truck rentals will not be the primary business on the property, but rather a secondary business to the existing barber and tattoo shop.  The applicant requests the SUP be granted for a 5-year time period.



Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services

Josh Prejean, Applicant



Recommendation: With the conditions of approval listed below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO.


1.  A modification shall be granted to the minimum 30 foot display area setback from all property lines, to allow a 15 foot setback from the south property line.

2.  The special use permit shall be approved for a period of 5 years.

3.  A van-accessible ADA parking space with adjacent access aisle shall be striped and posted within 30 days of the special use permit approval.

4.  No more than 3 rental trucks shall be displayed on the property at one time. (Added by Planning Commission.)


Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation: On a motion by Mr. Sanning, seconded by Mr. Trafton, the Planning Commission unanimously voted on February 25, 2021, to recommend APPROVAL of Application #PL2020-365 - SPECIAL USE PERMIT for truck rental - U-Haul, 809 SE Douglas St; Josh Prejean, applicant.