Public Hearing: Application #PL2019-359- Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendment - Changes to Article 1 - General Provisions, Article 2 - Applications and Procedures and Article 8 - Site Design to create an administrative reasonable accommodation process and reference ADA design standards in the International Building Code; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant.
The purpose of this amendment is to create an administrative process for reasonable accommodations related to disabilities and to create a reference to ADA standards in the International Building Code (IBC).
Other communities have adopted administrative processes to allow for items such as wheelchair ramps in setbacks to accommodate those with disabilities. Normally structures located in setbacks require a variance and involve a minimum 30 day process with fees totaling $465. As drafted, the amendment allows a staff board to examine each situation on a case-by-case basis and grant relief with minimal process. The other part of the amendment takes the ADA parking lot standards out of the UDO and creates a reference to the IBC. This is better for the City as new building codes are adopted every 6 years and some ADA standards change between code cycles.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Committee Recommendation
Ms. Dial made a motion to recommend approval of Application PL2019-359, Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendment: Changes to Article 1, General Provisions; Article 2, Applications and Procedures and Article 8, Site Design to create an administrative reasonable accommodation process and reference ADA design standards in the International Building Code; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant. Mr. Sims seconded. The motion carried unanimously.