File #: BILL NO. 23-016    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 12/22/2022 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 1/17/2023 Final action: 1/17/2023
Title: An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ 2023-030 to HDR Engineering, Inc., Burns and McDonnell Inc., and to Olsson Associates Inc. for on-call yearly engineering services for water and wastewater for a one-year with two possible one-year renewal options and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 1/9/23)
Sponsors: Water Utilities
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A: HDR Agreement, 3. Exhibit B: Olsson Agreement, 4. Exhibit C: Burns Agreement
Related files: BILL NO. 24-031, BILL NO. 23-228
An Ordinance approving the award of RFQ 2023-030 to HDR Engineering, Inc., Burns and McDonnell Inc., and to Olsson Associates Inc. for on-call yearly engineering services for water and wastewater for a one-year with two possible one-year renewal options and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same. (PWC 1/9/23)


Key Issues:
This contract is to provide technical and professional engineering support as required for all aspects of the water distribution system, sanitary sewer collection and conveyance system, and their associated facilities.

Three contracts are being awarded in order to 1) have firms available in the event of conflict or if the other firms are unable to respond in the needed time frame; and 2) be able to choose the firm that may have the better expertise to complete the task 3) to have an engineering consultant available in an emergency situation.

This agreement allows the City to contract for water and sanitary sewer engineering services under an on-call agreement. This enables the City to authorize work to the firm that provides the best expertise and/or has staff available for the task. All the firms selected have expertise in both water and sanitary sewer engineering.

This type of engineering contract eliminates going through a selection process for each individual small water utilities project. Projects are typically less than $20,000 each. The contract allows the City to expedite the process and decrease staff time, resulting in savings.

In order to meet the current rules of the purchasing policy which sets the annual contract expenditure limit at $50,000 before contracts are required to come before council we have identified a yearly not to exceed amount of $250,000 and a total limit over the three years of $750,000. This will allow us to use this contract on smaller costs as per the purchasing policy and still bring any individual contract at or above $50,000 to the council for ap...

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