File #: BILL NO. 20-51    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 2/24/2020 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 3/17/2020 Final action: 3/17/2020
Title: An Ordinance approving Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase of $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31. (PWC 3/2/20)
Sponsors: Public Works Admin & Engineering
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Change Order #2
Related files: BILL NO. 18-145, BILL NO. 19-201


An Ordinance approving Change Order  No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase of  $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31. (PWC 3/2/20)




An Ordinance approving Change Order  No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase of  $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31.


Key Issues:

•                     Additional streambank stabilization and restoration was required in order to properly stabilize the project site.

•                     A significant increase of erosion control items were necessary in order to protect the creek from erosion.

•                     Quantities of other items are being adjusted to match the final installed quantities.



Proposed City Council Motion:

FIRST MOTION:  I move for a second reading of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31.

SECOND MOTION:  I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31.




The primary item overruns included with this Change Order are erosion and sediment control devices and additional streambank stabilization.  With the excessive rains during the project and the close proximity to Cedar Creek, additional erosion control items were required to adequately protect the creek.  After completing the pipe work and prior to beginning the final restoration of the project, the design engineer reviewed the site with a stormwater specialist.  During this final review, the specialist suggested additional stabilization in several areas to ensure the site would be adequately stabilized.  These additional areas of stabilization are included with this Change Order.



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Dena Mezger, Director of Public Works


Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase of  $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31.


Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation: The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 3-0 (Councilmember Edson "Absent"), to recocmmend to City Coucil approval of an Ordinance approving Change Order No. 2 to the contract with Beemer Construction Company, Inc. for the Winterset Woods & Sterling Hills Trunk Sewer Main project, an increase $77,348.31 for a revised contract price of $1,251,836.31.