File #: 2022-5234    Name:
Type: Public Hearing - Sworn Status: Presented
File created: 10/20/2022 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 11/15/2022 Final action: 11/15/2022
Title: Public Hearing: Application #PL2022-311 - Preliminary Development Plan - Summit Orchards West, 700 NW Ward Road; Northpoint Development, applicant.
Sponsors: Planning and Special Projects
Attachments: 1. PC Action Report, 2. Staff Report, 3. Transportation Impact Analysis, 4. Traffic Impact Study, 5. Traffic Improvement Phasing Plan, 6. Preliminary Development Plan, 7. Stormwater Analysis Report, 8. Tenant Sign Criteria, 9. Location Map, 10. Applicant Presentation, 11. Staff Presentation
Related files: BILL NO. 22-235


Public Hearing: Application #PL2022-311 - Preliminary Development Plan - Summit Orchards West, 700 NW Ward Road; Northpoint Development, applicant.




The applicant proposes a 3-lot, 605,300 sq. ft. horizontal mixed-use development consisting of commercial, multi-family residential, and office/warehouse uses.  The proposed development is a continuation of the Summit Orchards development to the west across SW Ward Rd.  The range of uses, architectural style and palette of exterior building materials are complementary and reflective of those found in the Summit Orchards and Summit Innovation Center developments.

Development of the project is proposed in two phases, with the first phase further broken into sub-phases.  Phase 1A (Lot 10B) is composed of a 323-unit multi-family residential development located in the middle of the subject site.  Phase 1B (Lot 10C), with frontage along NW Chipman Rd, is composed of two buildings totaling 12,300 sq. ft. for restaurant and commercial uses.  Phase 2 (Lot 10A) is composed of two industrial building totaling 123,000 sq. ft. at the north end of the site.

Included with this application is a Tenant Sign Criteria handbook proposed by the developer to govern signage for the development.  The handbook uses the UDO sign standards for allowable number and size as its foundation, but makes some modifications to suit the project’s desired design aesthetic.

One of the stated intents and purposes in the UDO for the subject property’s PMIX zoning is to allow greater flexibility in development standards (e.g. lot coverage, setbacks, building heights, FAR/density, etc.) is to facilitate adaptation of development to the unique conditions of a particular site or nature of a particular development.  As such, there are no pre-established development standards for the PMIX district.  The applicable standards for a PMIX-zoned development are based upon and established as part of the preliminary development plan approval for a specific project on a specific site.  The governing development standards for the proposed development will be those included in the subject application.



Brian Benjamin, Applicant Representative

Joshua Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services



Recommendation: With the conditions of approval below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.

1.                     Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan dated September 27, 2022, inclusive of the development standards (i.e., lot coverage, setbacks, building height, density/FAR, land use, parking standards, etc.) and building elevations contained therein.

2.                     The existing sanitary sewer easement that conflicts with the proposed building layout shall be vacated and recorded with the Jackson County Recorder of Deeds Office prior to the issuance of any building permit for Lot 10B or Lot 10C.

3.                     Road improvements shall be constructed as recommended in the Transportation Impact Analysis conducted by staff dated October 12, 2022.

4.                     Signage standards shall be subject to the Tenant Sign Criteria handbook with an upload date of September 27, 2022.


Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation: On a motion by Mr. Benbrook, seconded by Ms. Rader, the Planning Commission unanimously voted on October 27, 2002, to recommend approval of Application #PL2022-311 - Preliminary Development Plan - Summit Orchards West, 700 NW Ward Road; Northpoint Development, applicant.