| | | | Notice is hereby given that the City Council for the City of Lee’s Summit will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm in person at the address listed above.
Persons wishing to comment on any item of business on the agenda may do so by attending in person or by sending their comments prior to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 13, 2021, to the City Clerk at clerk@cityofls.net.
This meeting will not be broadcast live or live-streamed. This meeting will be recorded in its entirety and uploaded to the City’s website on www.WatchLS.net and be rebroadcast on the City’s LSTV channel available on various cable providers (Spectrum channel 2, Google TV channel 143, AT&T U-Verse channel 99 and Comcast channel 7).
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| | | | Preliminaries: | | |
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| A. | | | Invocation | | |
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| B. | | | Pledge of Allegiance | | |
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| C. | | | Call to Order | | |
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| D. | | | Roll Call | | |
Roll call
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| 1. | | | Approval of Agenda | approved as amended | Pass |
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| 2. | | | Approval of Consent Agenda: | approved | Pass |
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| A. | | Minutes | Approval of City Council Action Letter from December 7, 2021. | approved | Pass |
Action details
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| B. | | Appointment | Mayor's Appointments: Human Relations Commission: Appoint Fel Bagunu, as a member representing the faith community sector as stated in Ordinance 8350, Exhibit A, term to expire 7-6-24. | withdrawn | Pass |
Action details
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BILL NO. 21-243
| C. | | Ordinance - Public Hearing | An Ordinance approving a Preliminary Development Plan located at 102 SW 2nd Street, proposed ReNourish counseling office in district TNZ, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33, the Unified Development Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri.
(Note: First read by Council on December 7, 2021. Passed by unanimous vote.) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-244
| D. | | Ordinance - Public Hearing | An Ordinance approving a rezoning from District AG to District RLL for approximately 4.93 acres located at 2013 SW Sampson Road in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33, the Unified Development Ordinance of Lee’s Summit Code of Ordinances, for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri.
(Note: First read by Council on December 7, 2021. Passed by unanimous vote.) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-245
| E. | | Ordinance - Public Hearing | An Ordinance approving a Preliminary Development Plan requesting the revision of a certain Section #5 from approval Ordinance No. 6106 for the Chapel Ridge Mixed Use Development architectural elevations in Districts RP-1 and RP-3, all in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33, the Unified Development Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri.
(Note: First read by Council on December 7, 2021. Passed by unanimous vote.) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-246
| F. | | Ordinance - Public Hearing | An Ordinance granting a special use permit renewal for car sales in district CP-2 on land located at 516 SW 3rd Street, Pinnacle Auto Sales, for a period of ten (10) years from the current permit expiration date, to expire on December 21, 2031, all in accordance with Article 6 within the Unified Development Ordinance, for the city of Lee's Summit, Missouri.
(Note: First read by Council on December 7, 2021. Passed by unanimous vote.) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
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| 3. | | | Council Roundtable | | |
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| A. | | Presentation | Update on COVID 19 | | |
Action details
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| 4. | | | Public Comments: | | |
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| 5. | | | Working Session with the Lee's Summit R-7 School Board. | | |
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| A. | | Presentation | Workforce Development | presented | |
Action details
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| B. | | Presentation | Developing Target Industries List / Lee's Summit Logistics Park | presented | |
Action details
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| C. | | Presentation | PRI Discussion / Civic Space Calculation | presented | |
Action details
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| D. | | Presentation | Construction Geometry /Robotics | presented | |
Action details
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| E. | | Presentation | Aviation Facility | presented | |
Action details
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| F. | | Presentation | Schedule Update on 291 North & Highway 50 Interchange Project | presented | |
Action details
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| G. | | Presentation | STA Space Study Needs | presented | |
Action details
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| H. | | Presentation | Paradise Park Update | presented | |
Action details
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| I. | | Discussion Item | Open dialogue on partnership between the Lee’s Summit School District and the City | read into the record | |
Action details
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| 6. | | | Recess of Regular Session No. 52 - Working Session with the Lee's Summit R-7 School Board | | |
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| 7. | | | Presentations: | | |
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| A. | | Presentation | Presentation from the Commission for Diversity and Inclusion | presented | |
Action details
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| 8. | | | Proposed Ordinances Forwarded from Committee: | | |
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BILL NO. 21-249
| A. | | Ordinance - Committee | An Ordinance approving the award of Bid No. 2022-029, to purchase electrical services and materials on an as-needed basis for a one-year term with up to four, one-year renewals to Greenwood Energy Solutions, LLC, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same for the City. (F&BC 12/6/21) | for second reading | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-249
| A. | | Ordinance - Committee | An Ordinance approving the award of Bid No. 2022-029, to purchase electrical services and materials on an as-needed basis for a one-year term with up to four, one-year renewals to Greenwood Energy Solutions, LLC, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same for the City. (F&BC 12/6/21) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-250
| B. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance approving an Intergovernmental agreement between the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, through the Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation Board and Jackson County, Missouri Parks and Recreation for facility use to support programming for various Jackson County Parks and Recreation Programs and authorizing the Mayor to execute the same. (F&BC 12/6/21) | for second reading | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-250
| | | Ordinance | An Ordinance approving an Intergovernmental agreement between the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, through the Lee’s Summit Parks and Recreation Board and Jackson County, Missouri Parks and Recreation for facility use to support programming for various Jackson County Parks and Recreation Programs and authorizing the Mayor to execute the same. (F&BC 12/6/21) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-251
| C. | | Ordinance - Committee | An Ordinance approving the 2022 Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners Poll Contracts for the Lovell Community Center, Harris Park Community Center, Longview Community Center and the Gamber Center, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the same by and on behalf of the City. (F&BC 12/6/21) | for second reading | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-251
| | | Ordinance - Committee | An Ordinance approving the 2022 Jackson County Board of Election Commissioners Poll Contracts for the Lovell Community Center, Harris Park Community Center, Longview Community Center and the Gamber Center, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the same by and on behalf of the City. (F&BC 12/6/21) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
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| 9. | | | Proposed Ordinances - Second Reading: | | |
Not available
BILL NO. 21-247
| A. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance Approving the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Cost Share Agreement Between the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for State Project Number J4P3196 for the 291 North and Highway 50 Interchange Project.
(Note: First read by Council on December 7, 2021.) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
Not available
BILL NO. 21-248
| B. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance approving the Cooperative Agreement between the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, and the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District for the 291 North and Highway 50 Interchange Project.
(Note: First read by Council on December 7, 2021.) | adopted and numbered | Pass |
Action details
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| 10. | | | Committee Reports | | |
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| 11. | | | Council Comments: | | |
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| 12. | | | Staff Roundtable | | |
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| 13. | | | Adjournment | | |
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| | | | Unless determined otherwise by the Mayor and City Council, no new agenda items shall be considered after 11:00 p.m. | | |
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| | | | For your convenience, City Council agendas, as well as videos of City Council and Council Committee meetings, may be viewed on the City’s Legislative Information Center website at "lsmo.legistar.com" | | |
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