An Ordinance approving an emergency purchase with Wiedenmann, Inc. in the amount of $128,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
(Note: First read by Council on February 6, 2024. Passed by unanimous vote.)
An Ordinance approving an emergency purchase with Wiedenmann, Inc. in the amount of $128,300.00, and authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement for the same.
Key Issues:
? A section of NW Quarry Park Road had to be unexpectedly closed as a result of sub-grade failure, pavement failure and significant sinkhole development of undermined areas below the roadway.
? This closure severed access to all properties west of the closure along Quarry Park Road. As a result, long term alternative access must be provided.
? Wiedenmann, Inc. is the City’s on-call contractor for emergency infrastructure road repairs, contract Number 2019-003/4R.
? This emergency purchase will provide for the construction of a roadway connection between old Noland Road and NW Valley Garden Drive, the alternate route for property owners while Quarry Park Road is closed.
? Wiedenmann, Inc. submitted a proposal for the construction services and an estimate of costs to perform those services.
? An Emergency Purchase Form was submitted in accordance with Procurement Policy and was approved by the City Manager on January 4, 2024.
? An associated Budget Amendment to provide the funds for this project is being proposed concurrently with this request.
Proposed Council Motion:
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On Wednesday, December 27, a PW Operations crew reported a significant dip in NW Quarry Park Road. Upon further investigation, it was decided a full closure of the road was necessary in the interest of public safety due the significant sub-grade failure under the road, pavemen...
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