Presentation: Regional Landfill Capacity Study
Presentation: Regional Landfill Capacity Study
Key Issues:
The Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) and the MARC Solid Waste Management District (SWMD) commissioned a regional landfill capacity study which was conducted by Burns W McDonnell in an effort to forecast the Kansas City regional landfill capacity. The purpose of the study is "to inform solid waste planning, programming, and permitting activities, at the state, regional, and local levels and to serve as a prelude to a potential future formal solid waste plan." The study "is an evaluation of existing and projected future regional landfill capacity based on several potential scenarios." This study is not "an evaluation of any specific landfill expansion or proposed landfill."
MARC and the SWMD held a public informational meeting/presentation on the study and it's findings on January 24, 2024 at the Metropolitan Community College - Longview, and has willingly agreed to present the study and findings with the Mayor and City Council during the February 13, 2024 City Council meeting.
Proposed City Council Motion:
No motion necessary - informational presentation only
Tom Jacobs, Mid-America Regional Council Chief Resilience Officer