An Ordinance approving the award of RFP No. 2024-022 for tow services for a one-year term with up to four, one-year renewals to James R. McCoy LLC d/b/a Jim's Tow Service as the primary awardee and Ron’s Auto & Tow Truck Towing, LLC as the secondary awardee and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City. (F&BC 1/3/24)
(Note: Went through F&BC 1/3/24. First Read by Council on January 23, 2024 - remanded back to F&BC. F&BC recommended for approval on 2/5/24.)
Request to approve and forward to city council an ordinance for approval the award of RFP No. 2024-022 for tow services for a one-year term with up to four, one-year renewals to James R. McCoy LLC d/b/a Jim's Tow Service as the primary awardee and Ron’s Auto & Tow Truck Towing, LLC as the secondary awardee and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.
Key Issues:
· This award of city ordered tow services establishes a tow service’s contract, which not only provides services for City owned vehicles, but is also utilized by the Police Department in case of traffic related incidents.
· The contract establishes firm rates for tow services, provides an expected response time and establishes other expectations
· Citizens of Lee’s Summit and/or travelers through Lee’s Summit may take advantage of established rates if they do not have a tow service provider preference and the request for service is made by LSPD.
· The contract also aids in reducing predatory tow practices.
· It was recommended to and supported by Public Safety Advisory Board that two awards be made, one as primary and one as secondary. If the primary awardee is unable to fulfill the contract, a recommendation from the Tow Committee with support from Public Safety Advisory Board could be made to Procurement to activate the secondary awardee.
· Procurement & Contract Services issued RFP No. 2024-022, with a due date of October, 20th, 2023. The b...
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