A Resolution canvassing and declaring the results of the April 4, 2023 General Municipal Election for the issuance of general obligation bonds in the amount of $14,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, renovating, improving and equipping municipal buildings, facilities and network/technology infrastructure and systems including renovations and improvements to city hall and maintenance facilities.
Certified results were received on April 12, 2023 from Jackson County and on April 7, 2023 from Cass County for the April 4, 2023, General Municipal Election. Both are included as Exhibits to this Resolution. Also attached is a Resolution containing the results.
Proposed City Council Motion:
MOTION: I move for approval of a Resolution canvassing and declaring the results of the April 4, 2023 General Municipal Election for the issuance of general obligation bonds in the amount of $14,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, renovating, improving and equipping municipal buildings, facilities and network/technology infrastructure and systems including renovations and improvements to city hall and maintenance facilities.
Trisha Fowler Arcuri, City Clerk
Staff recommends approval.