An Ordinance calling an election to authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, related to public safety and emergency preparedness.
(Note: First read by City Council on January 10, 2023. Passed by unanimous vote.)
Throughout the December 2022 meetings, staff has been working with the Mayor and City Council to identify projects or initiatives to place on an April 4, 2023 ballot for a "no tax increase" bond issue. Through the course of those meetings and discussions, the Mayor and City Council have narrowed the priorities and potential projects from an overall list that exceeded $400 million down to a priority list of an estimated $185 million.
Based on the potential projects or initiatives being considered, staff has worked with Sid Douglas, with Gilmore & Bell who is the City's Bond Counsel on preparing the no tax increase ballot question(s). The attached public safety and emergency preparedness related ordinance would entail the issuance of up to $74,000,000 in projects or initiatives.
The attached ordinance must be approved in order to place a no tax increase ballot question on the April 4, 2023 municipal election and the Jackson County Election Board must be notified of the ballot question on or before January 24, 2023.
This ballot question would provide necessary resources to pursue projects including but not limited to:
- A new public safety operations coordination center and related technology systems
- Complete renovation and remodel of the Fire Station 1 / Headquarters
- Additional renovations (phase 2) for the Police and Courts facility campus
- South Police Substation - renovation of existing Fire Station No. 5
- Acquisition of property and design of a new Fire Station #8 on property in or around the airport
Key Issues:
The currently established debt service levy established at $ .3697 per $100 assessed valuation provides approximately $9.8 million annually to finance ca...
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