An Ordinance submitting to the electors of the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, at the general municipal election on April 4, 2023, the question of whether the City of Lee's Summit shall impose a Sales Tax in the amount of three percent (3%) on the sale at retail of all non-medical adult use marijuana, for general purposes, as authorized by Article XIV, Section 2.6(5) of the Missouri Constitution.
(Note: First read by City Council on January 10, 2023. Passed by unanimous vote.)
On November 8, 2022 the voters of the State of Missouri approved Amendment 3 to the Constitution. This amendment provides for the legalization of adult-use marijuana within the State. The language of the amendment provides authorization for a tax of up to 3% on the sale of adult-use marijuana upon approval by the voters of the City. This tax does not apply to medical marijuana that was legalized in the State via a similar amendment in 2018. The 3% sales tax would be in addition to all other normal City sales taxes. The Constitution does not provide for any specific purpose for the funds generated by the tax and the revenue may be utilized for general revenue purposes.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for adoption of an Ordinance submitting to the electors of the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, at the general municipal election on April 4, 2023, the question of whether the City of Lee's Summit shall impose a sales tax in the amount of three percent (3%) on the sale at retail of all non-medical adult use marijuana, for general purposes, as authorized by Article XIV, Section 2.6(5) of the Missouri Constitution.
Brian W. Head, City Attorney
Staff recommends approval.