An Ordinance approving an agreement between the City of Lee's Summit and Public Consulting Group (PCG) to provide financial services allowing the City's continued participation in the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) program, and authorizing the City Manager to execute such documents as necessary herein.
(Note: First read by City Council on January 10, 2023. Passed by unanimous vote.)
This request is for approval of an agreement with PCG, per the terms of the agreement herein, to provide financial services in regard to the Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) program. GEMT is a voluntary program of federal funding which is passed through the state which allows for additional cost recovery for Medicare patient transports and billing. Medicare does not typically pay the full billed amount for EMS transports, but rather a lesser value based on Medicare's reimbursement rates. The Medicare program realizes the amount that is paid to pre-hospital services such as fire departments or ambulance services many times will not cover the operating costs for the incident. This program allows a funding mechanism to help offset the difference in billed services and the actual revenues collected from Medicare.
Key Issues:
The City has participated in the GEMT program for the previous 3 years, calendar year 2022 would be the City's fourth cycle of participation. Previously the City's Finance Department has provided the administration of the program internally. Due to the departure of several key staff positions within the Finance Department third party assistance for continuation of the City's participation will be required due to the decreased capacity within the Finance Department. Prior to this the Procurement Division issued a solicitation for like services, RFP 2022-043, to which PCG was the only respondent. The deadline for submission of the GEMT report is November 30th of each year. Due to the timeliness of this deadline and the departure of those key internal staff members this request was presented to the City Manager as an emergency request, which is now presented to the City Council for approval.
Proposed Council Motion:
I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving an agreement between the City of Lee's Summit and Public Consulting Group (PCG) to provide financial services allowing the City's continued participation in the Ground Emergency Medical Transport (GEMT) program, and authorizing the City Manager to execute such documents as necessary herein.
The net cost recovery the City has realized over the previous three years has been approximately $500,000, which assists in offsetting the difference in billable services to which Medicare only pays a portion. Without the City's participation in the program the City would not realize this additional cost recovery funding.
Start: Annually with automatic renewals until terminated by the City.
Dave York, Assistant Chief Fire Department
Bette Wordelman, Finance Director
Staff recommends approval of the agreement.