An Ordinance approving the 2022 Labor Agreement by and between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Lodge #778 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.
(Note: First read by City Council on August 16, 2022. Passed by unanimous vote.)
An Ordinance approving the 2022 Labor Agreement by and between the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Lodge #778 and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same by and on behalf of the City.
Key Issues:
City staff recently concluded collective bargaining negotiations with the Executive Board of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Lodge #778 (IAM). Negotiations were conducted after receiving guidance and direction provided by the Mayor and City Council.
The proposed agreement continues to provide "step plans" for IAM positions as was the case in the prior agreement. Pay ranges for the represented positions have increased from the previous agreement, and the number of steps reduced in an effort to be more competitive in the market. The proposed agreement also incorporates additional levels or classification within certain positions to allow for additional promotion opportunities once certain skills and certifications are attained. Those changes include:
* Two new Utility Foreman classifications within the Water Utility Department
* Creating a Meter Technician I and Meter Technician II classification (previously was only Meter Technician) within the Water Utilities Department
* Creating a Mechanic I, Mechanic II and Mechanic III classification (previously was only Mechanic) within the Fleet Division
In addition, the number of Senior Operator positions within Public Works Operations would be increased from a previous maximum of five to a maximum of seven under the proposed agreement.
The prop...
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