Public Hearing: Application #PL2022-178 - Preliminary Development Plan - McBee's Coffee N Carwash, 1295 SW Arborwalk Boulevard; McBee Construction Company, applicant.
The applicant proposes a Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) to construct a 6,502 sq. ft. tunnel car wash that will also offer vacuums, a coffee shop and dog wash facilities.
Applicant's presentation can be found here.
Proposed Motion:
I move to recommend approval of Application #PL2022-178 - Preliminary Development Plan - McBee's Coffee N Carwash, 1295 SW Arborwalk Boulevard; McBee Construction Company, applicant.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Ashley Smith, Applicant’s Representative
With the conditions of approval as outlined in the staff letter and below, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design and Construction Manual (DCM).
1. Seven (7) total attached wall signs shall be approved as shown on the Exterior Elevations dated May 13, 2022 and revised June 14, 2022.
2. Driveway 1 shall be located slightly north of the originally proposed location, as shown on the alternate design on Sheet A1.1, in order to meet the throat length (100 ft) requirement of the Access Management Code.
3. Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan dated May 13, 2022 and revised June 14, 2022.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation:
Commissioner Trafton recommended for approval with the following conditions. 1) The applicant submits a sound study of the equipment. 2) The City to review and provide any noise complaints of any other car wash’s in the area. Commissioner Touzinsky seconded.
A motion was made by Commissioner Trafton, seconded by Commissioner Touzinsky, that this application recommended for a...
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