An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 11 to the Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2022, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9184 and Ordinance No. 9187 by amending the Full Time Equivalent positions for the Police Department and establishing a new Pay and Classification Plan. (F&BC 6/6/22)
An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 11 to the Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2022, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9184 and Ordinance No. 9187 by amending the Full Time Equivalent positions for the Police Department and estblishing a new Pay and Classification Plan.
The position that the Police Department is asking to be reclassified (Technical Services Specialist) is currently vacant.
Key Issues:
The Police Department is asking for consideration to reclassify one budgeted position within the department. The position is currently vacant. The Technical Services Specialist position would be reclassified to Radio Systems Specialist. With the reclassification, there is no change in the overall full-time equivalents (FTEs) in the department. This position is in better alignment with the department and cities current needs; therefore, the department is seeking to reclassify the position outside of the normal expansion request cycle.
The department is asking to reclassify the Technical Services Specialist to Radio Systems Specialist. A needs analysis of the vacancy was conducted in concert with ITS. It was determined an on-going need exists for this position. The reason for this reclassification is to establish the role and responsibilities of maintaining the all city radio system. The all city radio system serves the Police, Fire, Water Utilities, and Public Works Operations. The department seeks a candidate that has a rich understanding of public safety radio systems, Computer Assisted Dispatch/Records Management system (CAD/RMS), Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS), and Metropolitan Area Regional Radio System (MARR...
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