An Ordinance approving a rezoning from District PMIX to District PI and a Preliminary Development Plan for approximately 49.85 acres located at the southeast corner of M-291 Highway and SE Bailey Road, proposed LS Industrial, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33, the Unified Development Ordinance of Lee’s Summit Code of Ordinances, for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri.
(Note: First reading by Council on June 7, 2022. Passed by unanimous vote.)
The subject substitute bill replaces the bill first read at the City Council meeting of June 7, 2022. It was discovered that the original bill mistakenly did not carry over the five (5) conditions of approval included in the associated staff report for the rezoning and preliminary development application for the proposed LS Industrial development.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for adoption of an Ordinance approving a rezoning from District PMIX to District PI and a Preliminary Development Plan for approximately 49.85 acres located at the southeast corner of M-291 Highway and SE Bailey Road, proposed LS Industrial, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33, the Unified Development Ordinance of Lee’s Summit Code of Ordinances, for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri.
Gary O'Dell, Applicant
Hector Soto, Jr., AICP, Senior Planner