Public Hearing: Application #PL2021-182 - Rezoning from CP-2 to PMIX and Conceptual Development Plan - Ranson Landing, 1401 SE Oldham Parkway; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
(Note: this item was continued from August 3, 2021 per Council's request.)
The applicant proposes to rezone 25.7 acres located at 1401 SE Oldham Pkwy from CP-2 (Planned Community Commercial District) to PMIX (Planned Mixed-Use District). The applicant has prepared a conceptual development plan as allowed by the UDO to show possible future uses. The proposed plan includes a convenience store, commercial pad sites, a restaurant w/drive through, contractor garages, storage units and 100 units of residential (25 fourplexes). Construction of the individual uses shall require preliminary development plan approval under separate application(s).
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for a second reading of Appl. #PL2021-182 - REZONING from CP-2 to PMIX and CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Ranson Landing, 1401 SE Oldham Pkwy; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant
Resident Amanda Pendleton, 1508 SE 11th St, stated she had concerns about additional stormwater runoff from the proposed development. The applicant stated that stormwater from the site of the proposed development will flow to the north away from the adjacent residential neighborhood and would not cause a detrimental impact to neighboring properties.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Matt Schlicht, PE, Applicant’s Representative
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: With the Conditions of Approval as reflected below and outlined in the ordnance, a motion was made by Vice Chair Arth, seconded by board Member Rader, that this application be recommended for approval to the City Council - Regular Session. The motion carried unanimously.
1. No construction may occur on any property until one or more preliminary devel...
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