File #: BILL NO. 18-141    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/23/2018 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 9/6/2018 Final action:
Title: An Ordinance amending Chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking Restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit. (PWC 8-21-18)
Sponsors: Public Works Admin & Engineering
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Map No Parking Zones Eagle Creek Townhomes, 3. Map No Parking Zones NW Donovan Rd


An Ordinance amending Chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking Restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit. 

(PWC 8-21-18)




An ordinance amending chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit.


Key Issues:

This request is in compliance with Section 29-382 of the Code of Ordinances to enact the proposed parking restrictions listed herein.


A)  These parking restrictions have been found to be appropriate on the basis of engineering and traffic investigations.

B)  The City Traffic Engineer believes it is appropriate to amend Appendix B and include these restrictions.


The proposed No Parking zone is as follows:


1.  NW Donovan Road, both sides, from NW Chipman Road to NW Ward Road.


The proposed ordinance also adds various existing parking restrictions enacted under authority granted to the City Traffic Engineer during 2018 to Chapter 29, Schedule B, for purpose of clarity, record keeping/management, and ease of public reference.  Those locations are located in the Eagle Creek Townhomes and are as follows:


1.  SW Burningwood Lane, east side, from SW Eagle View Drive to SW Timbertrace Lane.

2.  SW Timbertrace Lane, north side, from SW Burningwood Lane to SW Rambling Vine Road.

3.  SW Rambling Vine Road, west side, from SW Timbertrace Lane to SW Eagle View Drive.


Proposed City Countil Motion:

FIRST MOTION: I move for a second reading of an ordinance amending chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit.


SECOND MOTION:  I move for adoption of an ordinance amending chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit.




The locations where parking restrictions are requested were brought to the attention of Public Works by various residents, businesses or other members of the community, and staff evaluated each location to determine the best action.  Section 29-382 established the schedule of stopping, standing and parking restrictions, Appendix B.  All streets that have a stopping, standing, or parking restriction established by ordinance shall be listed in the Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking Restrictions, as amended, adopted as Appendix B hereto and on file with the City Clerk.


1.                     NW Donovan Road, both sides, from NW Chipman Road to NW Ward Road.

a.                     Initiated by the Police Department and Fire Department to address concerns of safety and access for emergency services that may be frequently impeded by the prevalence of parking on NW Donovan Road, between Chipman Road and Ward Road.

b.                     NW Donovan Road is collector and will carry a relatively high volume of traffic.

c.                     Public Works verified the parking issues and concurred with the safety concerns on this collector street.

d.                     Public Works attempted to resolve the situation by engaging with the adjacent land users.  Though the land users sought to discourage the parking on Donovan Road, they have no enforcement ability.

c.                     Signing both sides was determined to be the most effective measure.

2.                     Three (3) streets within the Eagle Creek Townhomes.  ONLY one side of each street is signed no parking.

a.                     Initiated by the R7 transportation office.  Parked vehicles on both sides of the street impede bus transportation and create safety concerns.  R7 was considering routes that would bypass these streets, requiring the students living on these streets to walk to alternate locations.

b.   Public Works verified the consistent and high density of parked vehicles on both sides of the street.

c.                     In addition to comments by R7, Public Works considered the negative impact to emergency response vehicles.

c.                     The no parking zone creates an outer loop of no parking within the townhomes.  Two streets within the subdivision are not part of the no parking zone but will be monitored.

d.                     The parking control officer has received positive feedback from the impacted residents.


The Public Safety Advisory Board did not meet in June or July so this item was not presented for their concurrence.




Dena E. Mezger, P.E., Director of Public Works



Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit.


Committee Recommendation

Committee Recommendation: The Public Works Committee voted unanimously 4-0 to recommend to City Council approval of an ordinance amending chapter 29; Traffic and Motor Vehicles, of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri, by revising Appendix B; Schedule of Stopping, Standing and Parking restrictions, for certain streets and segments of streets located in the City of Lee's Summit.