File #: 2018-1778    Name:
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/9/2018 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 1/18/2018 Final action:
Title: Presentation and consideration of an update to the City's Right-of-way Code
Attachments: 1. Presentation


Presentation and consideration of an update to the City's Right-of-way Code





Presentation and consideration of an update to the City’s Right-of-way Code in Chapter 26

Key Issues:

                     City has primary responsibility for the use including safe conditions of the right-of-way, but State continues to reduce authority and increase duties

                     Enacted and pending legislation has or will increase duties, remove authority and open up the right-of-way to uses not previously required

                     Updating the Code will place the City in a position to retain as much authority as allowed under State and federal law and provide some protection for City property and abutting landowners


From the beginning of statehood, cities have “owned” the rights-of-way (ROW) and had the nondelegable duty to maintain the ROW  in a safe condition for their intended use.   ROW is an easement in most instances.  Occasionally cities own the ROW in fee title.  When property is dedicated as ROW, the Cities (and counties) hold the ROW  in trust for the public for limited purposes.  

Appropriate and lawful uses of the ROW include pedestrian and vehicular traffic and utility use.  Until 2000, a utility was required to seek a City’s consent to use its streets.  This was accomplished in a variety of ways but generally through a franchise which was a contract to use the ROW for a limited purposes and usually  included rental payments called “franchise fees”.  In most cities the citizens voted on granting franchises.  Beginning in 2000, the State began requiring consent of cities and attempting to control  the terms of use including the ability to recover any fees for the ROW use by a for profit company.   The ability to obtain franchises and charge for the use of the ROW has already been curtailed in many regards.  The last major update of the Code was in 2009.  Legislation is again pending in the current session of the General Assembly with the stated purpose of accelerating the deployment of small wireless facilities on the ROW, easements and City owned land.    Updating the current City Code with this pending legislation in mind will, to the greatest extent possible, preserve the City’s authority.  The PowerPoint presentation provides more detail on the areas the proposed update would touch upon. 




Presenter: Nancy K Yendes, Chief Counsel, Infrastructure and Planning



Recommendation:  Staff recommends moving the proposed update to the City’s Right-of-way Code   forward for consideration and adoption.