Appl. #PL2021-255 - PRELIMINARY PLAT - Lee's Summit Logistics, Lots 1-3, approximately 78 acres generally located on the north side of NE Tudor Rd at the intersection with NE Main St; Scannell Properties, LLC, applicant
The applicant proposes a 3-lot industrial subdivision for properties located in the vicinity of 1220 NW Main Street. Lot sizes range from 13.29 acres to 37.90 acres. In accordance with the Thoroughfare Master Plan, the applicant is proposing to realign NW Main Street.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to recomend approval of Appl. #PL2021-255 - PRELIMINARY PLAT - Lee's Summit Logistics, Lots 1-3, approximately 78 acres generally located on the north side of NE Tudor Rd at the intersection with NE Main St; Scannell Properties, LLC, applicant
C. Shannon McGuire, Planner
Shaun Cofer, Applicant's Representative
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval as outlined in the staff letter, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.