Public Hearing: Application #PL2019-261 - Vacation of Right-Of-Way - unused right-of-way on Lee’s Summit Airport property, 2751 NE Douglas St; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant.
The applicant requests to vacate portions of rights-of-way located on NE Strother Rd, NE Douglas Rd, NE Hagan RD and NE Leinweber Rd.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for a second reading of Appl. #PL2019-261 - VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY - unused right-of-way on Lee’s Summit Airport property, 2751 NE Douglas St; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant
Bob Hartnett, PLA, Deputy Director of Public Works/Administration
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services