Resolution No. 2022-03 - A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, amending the Lee’s Summit Ignite Comprehensive Plan from Office land use designation to Residential 3 land use designation, 3501 NE Akin Blvd and 3520 NE Ralph Powell Rd; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant
Proposed Planning Commission Motion:
I move to APPROVE Resolution No. 2022-03 - A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, amending the Lee’s Summit Ignite Comprehensive Plan from Office land use designation to Residential 3 land use designation, 3501 NE Akin Blvd and 3520 NE Ralph Powell Rd; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
C. Shannon McGuire, Planner
Recommendation: The Lee’s Summit Ignite Comprehensive Plan shall be amended to change the land use designation from Office to Residential 3 for the property located at 3501 NE Akin Blvd and 3520 NE Ralph Powell Rd, subject to the following:
1. This resolution shall become effective upon approval of the ordinance that rezones the property and approves the preliminary development plan for the subject property pursuant to Application #PL2022-088.