Public Hearing: Application #PL2021-403 - Preliminary Development Plan - Streets of West Pryor, Lot 9, 900 NW Pryor Road; Streets of West Pryor, LLC, applicant.
The applicant proposes to further subdivide an existing pad site into 3 lots for three stand-alone buildings to house two banking facilities and a medical/restaurant user located at 900 NW Pryor Rd. The combined total square footage for the banks is 5,830 sq. ft. and the medical/restaurant building is approximately 4,100 sq. ft. in size.
A preliminary development plan for the subject lot was approved in 2019 as part of the overall Streets of West Pryor development, this plan identified and established specific uses, square footages, and the number of buildings for each lot within the development. The approved plan identified this lot as a single, multi-tenant building with restaurant uses totaling 7,000 sq. ft. The applicant has since identified a need to adjust this lot to allow for multiple buildings, increased square footage, and different commercial uses (medical/office), rather than restaurant only.
The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) does not authorize staff to administratively approve substantial changes to previously approved preliminary development plans. The change from one 7,000 sq. ft. building with multiple restaurant users to three buildings totaling 9,930 sq. ft. and consisting of office and medical uses surpases the threshold of a substantial change from the previously approved preliminary development plan.
The proposed architectural appearance of the buildings is generally unchanged from the previously approved preliminary development plan and are consistent with the overall architectural theme of the Streets of West Pryor development.
No members of the public provided any testimony regarding the subject application.
David Olson, applicant
Josh Johnson, AICP, Asst. Director Plan Services
Committee Recommendation
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