File #: 2025-6742    Name:
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/23/2025 In control: Public Works Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action:
Title: Presentation: Update on Little Blue River Flood Risk Mitigation Study
Sponsors: Public Works Admin & Engineering, Binger, George
Attachments: 1. Little Blue River Study Update Presentation
Related files: BILL NO. 22-192
Presentation: Update on Little Blue River Flood Risk Mitigation Study

Update on Little Blue River Flood Risk Mitigation Study

Key Issues:
· The City partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and 7 other local agencies to develop a stormwater master plan for the Little Blue River watershed
· This plan focuses on Flood Risk Mitigation (FRM) along the Little Blue River, to include areas such as Oaks Ridge Meadows
· This plan also developed proposals for Ecosystem Restoration to preserve Longview Lake, to include Mouse Creek in southwest Lee’s Summit
· The Tentatively Selected Plan is near completion and approaching public presentations
· Construction would start no earlier than 2029, subject to project(s) funding for which none has been identified at this time.
· Approval of the Tentatively Selected Plan does not incur a financial commitment
Proposed Committee Motion:
No motion for this discussion item.
The last USACE planning study for the Little Blue River watershed was completed in 1968. That study led to much of the flood control project(s) in the watershed; such as constructing Longview Lake and Dam, Blue Springs Lake and Dam, and levees along portions of the Little Blue River. That study is now obsolete due to the significant changes in land use in the area and more accurate local data relate to topography and rainfall. These changes are evidenced by recurring flooding issues within the watershed of the Little Blue River.
The study estimated $46.6 million of property damage, annually, within the Little Blue River watershed. Inundation mapping especially showed significant impacts to the Oaks Ridge Meadows area of Lee’s Summit. Other areas of Lee's Summit were also impacted. The proposed projects would change the conditions to keep water within the Little Blue Channel during the 1% design storm (commonly called the 100-year event). Work along Mouse Creek would stabilize banks, preserve natural vegetation,...

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