An Ordinance accepting a grant award in the amount of $254,455.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, for a Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program. (F&BC 11/11/19)
? The U.S. Department of Justice’s Body Worn Camera Policy and Implementation program (BWC PIP) provides funding to law enforcement agencies to help develop, implement, and assess their Body Worn Camera program.
? The Lee’s Summit Police Department applied for grant funding from the BWC PIP on behalf of the City to obtain funding to implement a Body Worn Camera program to outfit 140 police officers.
? The City was notified on September 19, 2019 of approval of the grant application and award for funding under the FY 19 Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program in the amount of $254,455.00.
? The City has reviewed the award and special conditions and seeks to accept the award through execution of the award documents by the Mayor.
Proposed Council Motion:
FIRST READING: I move for second reading of an Ordinance accepting a grant award in the amount of $254,455.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, for a Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program.
SECOND READING: I move for adoption of an Ordinance accepting a grant award in the amount of $254,455.00 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, for a Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program.
Law enforcement agencies across the United States and throughout the world are using body-worn cameras (BWCs) as a promising tool to improve evidentiary outcomes, and enhance the safety of, and improve interactions between, both officers and the public. BWCs can provide critical visual and audio records of interactions. A growing body of research findings indicate that the presence of BWCs can reduce the use of force by assisti...
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