Public Hearing: Application #PL2023-069 - Preliminary Development Plan - Dental Depot, 1501 NE Rice Road; Ashmore Investments, LLC, applicant.
The applicant proposes a preliminary development plan for a single-story 6,070 sq. ft. dental office named Dental Depot. The proposed development employs a historic train depot/station architectural building aesthetic and includes decorative train-related features on the site such as a railroad crossing arm at the parking lot entrance, a water tower at the NE Rice Rd/NE Mulberry St intersection and a model train off the building’s southwest corner. From a building materials standpoint, the building will have a brick base, cementitious fiber board body, fiberglass roof and some use of natural cedar wood posts. The decorative water tower will be constructed of natural cedar wood with a composition roof.
The use of real wood as an exterior building material is subject to City Council approval as a conditional material. The applicant is also requesting a modification for additional wall signage and relief from the landscape buffer requirement. Pertaining to the sign modification, staff recommends providing some relief with changes to the request. The modification to the landscape buffer is for relief to inclusion of a 6 ft fence or wall along the eastern property line which staff is supportive of due to the steep grade changes.
Proposed Motion:
I move to recommend APPROVAL of Appl. #PL2023-069 - Preliminary Development Plan - Dental Depot, 1501 NE Rice Rd; Ashmore Investments, LLC, applicant
C. Shannon McGuire, Planner
Brian Ward, Applicant’s Representative
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval below and as outline in the staff letter, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.
1. A modification shall be granted to eliminate the required six-foot high masonry wall or opaque vinyl fence from the high impac...
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