FY22 Draft Capital Improvement Plan Summary Report
FY22 Draft Capital Improvement Plan Summary Report
Key Issues:
· The City's 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is updated each year with the first year of expenditures adopted as part of the next fiscal year budget
· Elected Officials have requested to review draft version of the CIP before formal, public presentations
· An electronic version of the Draft FY22 CIP Summary Pages is attached
· The entire Draft FY22 CIP is available online
The City's 5-year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) serves as a planning document that incorporates both project and financial planning for infrastructure improvements throughout the city. The plan is organized into eight categories: Public Works/Water Utilities Programs; Airport; Bridges, Streets & Signals; Facilities; Parks & Recreations; Stormwater; Sanitary Sewer; and Water.
The attached report shows the front end summary, proposed funding summaries, and maps of the various categories the draft FY22 CIP. This report provides an overview of the FY22 CIP. The entire 168 page document is available for review online, on the City's website at https://cityofls.net/public-works/infrastructure-capital-projects/capital-improvement-plan-cip/cip-public-hearing. Residents can also find the CIP comment page by going to www.cityofls.net, and then type "CIP public hearing" in the search box near the top right of the home page of the City's website.
The plan is updated each year to remove completed projects, add new projects, re-sequence projects, and revise cost estimates and schedules of ongoing projects as appropriate. The proposed document is financially constrained to match anticipated expenditures with anticipated revenues.
By state law, all publicly constructed projects must be presented at a public hearing. This will occur on May 24, 2021 at the Planning Commission. In an effort to promote wider dissemination and reach more res...
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