QuikTrip Store #191 - 1450 NE M-291 Hwy - Request for Building Permit
Request for Building permit for QuikTrip Store #191 prior to Final Plat approval
Key Issues:
QuikTrip is requesting the City Council authorize staff to issue of a full building permit prior to approval of a final plat. UDO Section 16.020 G. states “No building permit shall be issued for a lot that is not platted as required by this Chapter.” QuikTrip has submitted the preliminary plat which will be considered by the Planning Commission on December 13, 2016 and the Final plat is projected to be considered by the Planning Commission on January 10, 2017 and by City Council on January 19, 2017. The preliminary plat preparation for this project took longer than expected as a portion of the property is being dedicated to the School District, which took time to work through.
QuikTrip is requesting to proceed with permit issuance prior to the final platting process being completed and approved in order to maintain construction schedules and take advantage of favorable weather conditions. At this time, the building plans have been approved, and infrastructure plans (with the exception of the Windsor Drive culvert) have been reviewed and approved.
Staff does not foresee any issues or concerns with processing the preliminary plat or the final plat, however cannot waive UDO provisions or grant modifications.
Staff expects receiving a bond as security for public improvements which will be processed and presented to the Council for consideration at the December 15, 2016 City Council meeting.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to authorize staff to issue the full building permit upon request of developer and prior to final plat approval.
Presenter: Daniel Chambers, QuikTrip Corporation
For the reasons stated, staff has no objection to issuance of a building permit prior to final plat approval if the Council were to dir...
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