Public Hearing: Application #PL2020-144 - Vacation of Right-Of-Way - segment of NW Audubon Lane located west of NW Carson Drive (adjacent to 212 NW Carson Drive); Gale Communities, Inc, applicant.
(Note: This item was continued from August 4, 2020 per staff's request.)
The applicant requests to vacate a 20’ wide x approximately 120’ long segment of NW Audubon Ln right-of-way located west of NW Carson Dr in the Winterset Valley subdivision. The developer no longer proposes to extend NW Audubon Ln west of NW Carson Dr. The subject segment of right-of-way will be dedicated as an open space common area tract. Additionally, a utility easement will be retained over the vacated right-of-way. The City has no requirement that NW Audubon Ln be extended to the west as originally intended.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
David Gale, Applicant
With the conditions of approval contained in the staff report, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design and Construction Manual (DCM).
1. The vacation of right-of-way shall not go into effect until such time as a new general utility easement is dedicated to cover existing infrastructure located within the subject right-of-way.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: On a motion by Vice Chair Dial, seconded by Mr. Kitchens, the Planning unanimously voted on July 23, 2020, to recommend approval of Application #PL2020-144 - Vacation of Right-Of-Way - segment of NW Audubon Lane located west of NW Carson Drive (adjacent to 212 NW Carson Drive); Gale Communities, Inc, applicant.