Public Hearing: Application #PL2019-383 - Vacation of Right-Of-Way - a portion of NE Ralph Powell Road abutting 800 NE Lone Hill Drive; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
The applicant requests to vacate all of the right-of-way for the NE Ralph Powell Rd street stub north of NE Lone Hill Dr. The originally approved preliminary development plan for this area calls for the extension of NE Ralph Powell Rd north of NE Lone Hill Dr. The new preliminary development plan revises the street and lot layout for this area by terminating NE Ralph Powell Rd at NE Lone Hill Dr in order to accommodate the expansion of a townhome area.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Matt Schlicht, Applicant
Recommendation: The application meets the requirements of the UDO and the Design & Construction Manual (DCM).
Recommended Condition(s) of Approval:
The vacation of right-of-way shall not go into effect until such time as the existing public infrastructure is removed in a manner acceptable to the City.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: A motion was made by Vice Chair Funk, seconded by Board Member Sims, that Appl. #PL2019-383 - VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY - a portion of NE Ralph Powell Rd abutting 800 NE Lone Hill Dr; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant this application be recommended for approval to the City Council - Regular Session, due back on 1/7/2020. The motion carried unanimously.