File #: 2019-3233    Name:
Type: Presentation Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/31/2019 In control: Community and Economic Development Committee
On agenda: 1/8/2020 Final action:
Title: Presentation and Discussion of Special Events requiring City approval
Attachments: 1. Presentation for Special Events, 2. LSPD Total Cost 2019 Events, 3. 85% cost recovery propsal 2019, 4. 2018 LSPD Special Events Review, 5. 2019 LSPD Special Events annual report, 6. Special Events UDO Regulations, 7. LSCO Ch. 29 Parade permit - regulations, 8. LSCO Ch. 29 - Play Streets, 9. Special Event Fee Schedule
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Presentation and Discussion of Special Events requiring City approval

Staff has researched how other Kansas City area communities facilitate special events and will be presenting observations and suggestions for CEDC consideration. Staff will be seeking feedback and direction from the CEDC in order to develop proposed changes to the City's Code of Ordinances to bring back for CEDC review and direction.

Key Issues:
City staff has reviewed other comparable jurisdictions policies, regulations and fees and will be presenting observations and recommendations for potential amendments to the City's special event activities. Staff will be seeking CEDC input and feedback prior to developing proposed amendments to the respective Code of Ordinances and schedule of fees that would be brought back to the CEDC for further consideration and recommendation(s).

Staff has generally categorized observations and suggestions into three categories for the presentation:
1. Regulations and processes
2. Risk Management
3. Application fees, Administrative Fees and Operational Fees (fees associated with cost recovery for resources required to hold special events)

With regard to fees, staff is suggesting the fee structures for special events be established to accomplish an 85% cost recovery for operational costs for most special events with Public Service Agreement sponsored events such as Downtown Days, Oktoberfest and a few other events to be determined through the Public Service Agreement process which is incorporated into the City's budget process. The City currently has public service agreements with the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Lee's Summit Main Street, Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce and Velocity Lee's Summit.

The Lee's Summit Police Department has prepared event cost data for 2019 and included information to identify what an 85% operational fee would be if implemented. By establishing a cost recovery ratio, the operationa...

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