File #: 2024-6656    Name:
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 12/5/2024 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 12/10/2024 Final action: 12/10/2024
Title: Presentation/Discussion Item - Design Standards


Presentation/Discussion Item - Design Standards



Updates to the City’s Architecture and Building Design standards are underway with the City’s Development Services Department.  As part of this effort the City’s consultant Christopher Shires, Principal with Confluence Landscape Architecture * Planning * And Urban Design will be facilitating a joint discussion with the Planning Commission and City Council on Tuesday, December 17.  The purpose of this meeting is to update everyone on the results of our stakeholder engagement efforts, share best practices pertaining to architecture/building design regulations, and obtain your thoughts on goals with this effort. 


To aid us in this effort we have developed some questions we’d like to receive your answers to prior to this joint meeting.  


                     Regarding building architectural design, what are examples of specific buildings for which the building designs and/or building exteriors are what you would like to see more of in our City? Examples can be within or outside of Lee’s Summit.


                     What are examples of specific buildings for which the building designs and/or building exteriors are not what you would like to see more of in our City? Examples can be within or outside of Lee’s Summit.


                     Please consider the above questions for each of these basic building use types:

o                     Single Family-Attached/Detached (includes duplex and townhome housing types) *best practices for architecture/building design codes approach single family housing a bit differently than other land uses; by being more flexible in the approach and standards.  You are still welcome to share thoughts here as well, but we will be discussing more about this in person at the joint meeting. 

o                     Multifamily (Apartments)

o                     Commercial/Retail

o                     Office

o                     Industrial





Mark Dunning, City Manager