Presentation: Low Pressure Sewer Main on Stonewood Drive
Presentation of the proposed ownership of the Low Pressure Sewer Main on Stonewood Drive.
- The Lower Pressure Sewer (LPS) Line on Stonewood Drive has been a discussion point for many years.
- The system was constructed in 1993 with covenants which covered the LPS System maintenance were filed in 1995
- The covenants place the maintenance of the system on the 23 properties which the system serves
- The LPS Main has had a series of breaks through the years.
- The Utility has attempted to ownership of the LPS sewer main previously
- The Utility has a policy for the adoption of private LPS sewer mains
- We could not meet the requirements of the Policy to finalize the ownership transfer previously
Going Forward:
- Request for City ownership has been filed
- LS Water has inspected the system
- Easement and ownership documents have been created
- Presentation to PWC underway
- Have any existing issues repaired
- Get easement document signature
- File ownership document and assume LPS main ownership
Jeff Thorn Deputy Director, Water Utilities