Discussions on the Preliminary Development Plan and Final Development Plan process.
This discussion is a continuation of a discussion held with the Community and Economic Development Committee at the September 11, 2019 meeting.
At the CEDC meeting on 9/11/2019, an overview of the Residential Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) process was presented. One of the results of that conversation was to have a more indepth discussion over the effectiveness of the current PDP Process, allowable changes between the PDP and Final Development Plan (FDP) stage, and potential changes to improve the current process.
This discussion will focus on the overall objectives of the PDP process, if those objectives are currently being met, if additional objectives need to be considered, and potential ways to achieve those objectives. A discussion over currently allowable changes from the PDP stage to the FDP stage will also be discussed.
The discussion does not include any specific ordinance changes at this time.
Ryan Elam, P.E., Director of Development Services
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director - Development Services