Public Hearing: Application #PL2024-025 - Rezoning from RP-3 and CP-2 to RP-4 and PMIX, Preliminary Development Plan and Conceptual Development Plan - Ovation, 325 SE M-150 Highway; Engineering Solutions, LLC, applicant.
The applicant proposes to rezone approximately 40 acres along the south side of M-150 Hwy from RP-3 and CP-2 to RP-4 and PMIX. Associated with the rezoning is a preliminary development plan for a 48-lot four-plex townhome development yielding 192 dwelling units, and a conceptual development plan composed of a 200-unit apartment complex and one office/commercial lot fronting M-150 Hwy. The 9-acre area composed of the apartment and office/commercial sites is conceptual only and shall require separate preliminary development plan approval under a future application.
Matt Schlicht, PE, Applicant Representative
Hector Soto, Jr., AICP, Senior Planner
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval below, the application meets the recommendations of the Ignite! Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the UDO and Design and Construction Manual (DCM).
1. Rezoning from RP-3 and CP-2 to RP-4 and PMIX shall be in accordance with the zoning boundaries depicted on the preliminary development plan uploaded December 18, 2024.
2. Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan uploaded December 18, 2024, except that Lots 1 and 2 shall receive conceptual development plan approval only. Development of Lots 1 and 2 shall be subject to separate preliminary development plan approval under future separate application.
3. Building architecture and material palette shall be consistent with the elevations uploaded December 31, 2024.
4. Road improvements shall be constructed as recommended in the Transportation Impact Analysis conducted by staff dated October 31, 2024.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: On a motion by Mr. Trafton, seconded by Ms. Jana-Ford, the Plan...
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