An Ordinance ratifying an emergency purchase services agreement between Insituform Technologies USA, LLC and the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri in the amount of $1,246,064.95 to repair the Scruggs Road Pump Station force mains through the installation of a liner and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
(Note: First read by City Council on November 15, 2022. Passed by unanimous vote.)
* The Water Utilities Department has identified a failure in the 18" ductile iron sanitary sewer force main that discharges from the Scruggs Road Pump Station to the Tudor Road Pump Station.
* This failure is the third such failure to occur in the past 18 months, with the frequency of the failures increasing.
* Each failure poses a potential environmental and public health risk and increases the liability of the city.
* The total cost for repair of the line is expected to be completed for $1,504,265.00 through an emergency purchase.
* The cost includes a contract with Insituform for $1,246,064.95 and use of the on-call construction contract with Wiedenmann Construction in the amount of $258,200.00.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move for adoption of an Ordinance ratifying an emergency purchase services agreement between Insituform Technologies USA, LLC and the City of Lee's Summit, Missouri in the amount of $1,246,064.95 to repair the Scruggs Road Pump Station force mains through the installation of a liner and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same.
The Scruggs Road Pump Station utilizes two forcemains, a 12” dry weather forcemain and an 18” wet weather forcemain, for pumping wastewater flows to a gravity system. There have been multiple failures on the forcemains with the frequency of failure increasing. Each failure carries a risk of potential environmental impacts due to the pump station’s proximity to Prairie Lee Lake. The forcemains are located under Scruggs Road, which is a concrete road, whic...
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