File #: BILL NO. 22-200    Name:
Type: Ordinance - Committee Status: Passed
File created: 8/19/2022 In control: City Council - Regular Session
On agenda: 10/11/2022 Final action: 10/11/2022
Title: An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 3 to the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9441, Ordinance No. 9442, Ordinance No. 9449, Ordinance No. 9450, and Ordinance No. 9451 by amending the full time equivalent positions for the Police Department for the City. (F&BC 10/3/22)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance, 2. Exhibit A: Law Enforcement Full Time Equivalents, 3. Supplemental Information: Cost Analysis with Six Additional Police Officer FTE
An Ordinance approving Amendment No. 3 to the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, as adopted by Ordinance No. 9441, Ordinance No. 9442, Ordinance No. 9449, Ordinance No. 9450, and Ordinance No. 9451 by amending the full time equivalent positions for the Police Department for the City. (F&BC 10/3/22)

In anticipation of the availability of revenues from the public safety sales tax approved by voters in 2022, the Police Department has prioritized early personnel needs. The Police Department plans to staff a second Crime Reduction Team (CRT) to address issues with problem-oriented policing approaches to provide long-term results.

The hiring and training of personnel by the Police Department is a time-consuming process. Once an individual is hired, it may take anywhere from four months to one year (depending on training requirements, certifications, and experience) for the person to be fully implemented to active duty. Because of this, the Police Department seeks to increase available full time equivalent positions to hire personnel in advance of public safety sales tax funding. The Police Department is seeking to increase authorized positions by six police officers. These increases would allow for recruitment and hiring of personnel in these positions to begin the training process prior to the availability of public safety sales tax funding.

All six of these positions will be funded by the public safety sales tax when available in 2023. Police Department staff is uncertain of when these hiring can be realized but anticipates two positions in late September of 2022 and others no earlier than October of 2022. The earliest Regional Police Academy training session is in October 2022. The Police Department plans to fund equipment and training cost for any advanced hires out of current general fund budgets. The advanced hiring and training made available by the increase in FTE positions will provide quicker realization of...

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