Public Hearing: Application #PL2019-247 - Preliminary Development Plan - City of Lee’s Summit ground-mounted solar arrays, 1971 SE Hamblen Road, 701 NW Main Street, 1751 NE Tudor Road and 1399 SW Ward Road; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant.
The City has submitted a preliminary development plan application for the subject sites in order to request modifications to the locations of the ground-mounted arrays on each of the properties. The UDO requires ground-mounted solar arrays to be located in the rear yard of a property. The proposed ground-mounted arrays at the subjection locations are located in either the front yard or side yard and thus require modifications for their approval.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
Dawn Bell, Project Manager
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval included in the staff report, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.
Committee Recommendation
On motion by Mr. Funk, seconded by Mr. Sims, the Planning Commission unanimously voted on August 22, 2019, to recommend APPROVAL for Application #PL2019-247 - PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN - City of Lee’s Summit ground-mounted solar arrays, 1971 SE Hamblen Rd, 701 NW Main Street, 1751 NE Tudor Road and 1399 SW Ward Road; City of Lee’s Summit, applicant.