Public Hearing: Application #PL2019-147 - Special Use Permit renewal for a telecommunications tower - 111 SW Hook Road; American Tower Asset Sub II, LLC, applicant.
The applicant seeks approval for the renewal of a special use permit for the existing 298’ telecommunications tower located adjacent to the intersection of SW Hook Rd and SW Market St. The tower was constructed in 1989 and has received two special use permit renewals since its original approval. There is no proposed increase in tower height or expansion of the tower compound boundaries as part of the special use permit renewal.
The applicant requests that the special use permit renewal be approved for an infinite time period, meaning that the special use permit renewal shall not expire. Under §67.5094.(14) R.S.Mo. of the Uniform Wireless Communications Infrastructure Deployment Act, the City is prohibited from limiting the duration of the approval of the special use permit renewal application.
Proposed Planning Commission Motion:
I move to recommend APPROVAL of Appl. #PL2019-147 - SPECIAL USE PERMIT renewal for a telecommunications tower - 111 SW Hook Rd; American Tower Asset Sub II, LLC, applicant.
Josh Johnson, AICP, Assistant Director of Plan Services
David Tracy, Applicant
Recommendation: The application meets the requirements of the UDO and/or the Design and Construction Manual (DCM).