A Resolution in support of the Lee's Summit Police Department's application for grant funding from the Missouri Highway Safety Program for Traffic Enforcement.
A Resolution in support of the Lee's Summit Police Department's application for grant funding in the Missouri Highway Safety Program for Traffic Enforcement.
Key Issues:
This resolution supports the Lee's Summit Police Department's grant application to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT). As part of the grant application, MoDOT requests that the City of Lee's Summit agree to participate in the Missouri Highway Safety Program for traffic enforcement and direct the Chief of Police to implement any grant-funded projects of the program to reduce the number and severity of traffic crashes, fatalities, and injuries occurring on Lee's Summit roadways.
Proposed City Council Motion:
I move to adopt a Resolution in support of the Lee's Summit Police Department's application for grant funding in the Missouri Highway Safety Program for Traffic Enforcement.
For over 20 years, the Lee's Summit Police Department has worked with the Missouri Department of Public Safety (DPS) on the DPS highway safety campaigns. Some of the past campaigns have included:
• Click it or Ticket
• You Drink, You Drive, You Lose
• Operation Safe Teen
• Hazardous moving enforcement
• DWI enforcement
• Aggressive driver enforcement
Grants through MoDOT have funded these past initiatives.
Mike Murray, Captain
Staff recommends approval.