Public Hearing: Application #PL2023-130 - Rezoning from AG to CP-2 and Preliminary Development Plan - Cowboy Carwash, 3601 SW Hollywood Drive; KC Cowboy Properties, LLC, applicant.
The applicant is seeking approval of a rezoning from AG to CP-2 and approval of a preliminary development plan (PDP) to construct a 4,881 sq. ft. tunnel car wash that will also offer vacuums. The subject site is located at 3601 SW Hollywood Dr.
In addition to this application there are two companion applications on this agenda: PL2023-132 Special Use Permit; and PL2023-133 Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment was approved by the Planning Commission and is contingent on the rezoning being approved by Council.
Proposed Motion:
I move to recommend APPROVAL of Appl. #PL2023-130 - Rezoning from AG to CP-2 and Preliminary Development Plan - Cowboy Carwash, 3601 SW Hollywood Drive; KC Cowboy Properties, LLC, applicant.
Jimmy Purselley, Applicant's Representative
C. Shannon McGuire, Senior Planner
Recommendation: With the conditions of approval below and as outlined in the staff letter, the application meets the requirements of the UDO and Design & Construction Manual.
1. Development shall be in accordance with the preliminary development plan dated November 21, 2022 and revised July 25, 2023 and the elevations dated July 25, 2023.
2. The application of polycarbonate panels used in the project shall be of an equal or greater quality to the manufacture’s specifications sheets submitted on September 15, 2023.
Committee Recommendation
Committee Recommendation: A motion was made by Board Member Trafton, seconded by Board Member Rader, that this application be recommended for approval to the City Council - Regular Session, due back on 11/7/2023. The motion carried unanimously.