An Ordinance amending Sec. 2-60.4. - Duties of Committee Chair; Committee organization as found in Division 2. Article II. Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri to clarify the committee majority require to forward ordinances to the City Council with a recommendation of approval and to further otherwise clarify the disposition of ordinances considered by the City Council Committees. (Rules 3/4/21)
At the last meeting of the City Council Rules Committee the provisions found in section 2-60.4 of the Code of Ordinances was discussed. The Committee reviewed each possible different type of vote that could occur related to a proposed ordinance. This draft ordinance attempts to capture the direction given by the Committee members during that meeting and is provided for the purpose of further discussion.
Proposed Committee Motion:
I move to recommend approval to the City Council for an Ordinance amending Sec. 2-60.4. - Duties of Committee Chair; Committee organization as found in Division 2. Article II. Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri to clarify the committee majority require to forward ordinances to the City Council with a recommendation of approval and to further otherwise clarify the disposition of ordinances considered by the City Council Committees.
Proposed Council Motion:
FIRST MOTION: I move for second reading of an Ordinance amending Sec. 2-60.4. - Duties of Committee Chair; Committee organization as found in Division 2. Article II. Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri to clarify the committee majority require to forward ordinances to the City Council with a recommendation of approval and to further otherwise clarify the disposition of ordinances considered by the City Council Committees.
SECOND MOTION: I move for adoption of an Ordinance amending Sec. 2-60.4. - Duties of Committee Chair; Committee organization as found in Divisio...
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